It’s time to tell the truth about the global war on Christianity (and the rise of Satanism)

It’s time to tell the truth about the global war on Christianity (and the rise of Satanism) by:  for Natural News

In case you haven’t heard, Christian churches are being bombed all over the world today by radical Islamic terrorists. In Sri Lanka alone, there are 207 Christians reported dead so far and 450+ injured in just one day. This is just days after the burning down of Notre Dame in France, a fire that the media has gone to desperate lengths to report was not set on purpose by Islamic terrorists. (They are now blaming a computer glitch, if you can believe that.)

Across the Middle East, in places like Syria, Christians are being persecuted by the hundreds of thousands. They are killed, tortured and run out of their own homes and countries. Even in places like the Philippines, Islamic terrorists have seized entire islands and targeted Christians for slaughter. As stated by The Gatestone Institute International Policy Council:

The new terrorism in the Philippines is not merely inspired by political or territorial grievances, real or imagined, but rather is imbued with intrinsic hate for the “other” — for the “infidel.” In May 2017, in the city of Marawi, a civilian bus was stopped by jihadis; when 9 passengers were discovered to be Christian — apparently because they were not able to quote the Koran — they were tied together and shot dead, execution style. The jihadis who took over Marawi during the uprising forced women into sex-slavery and ordered Christian men embrace Islam or be used as human shields against the Philippine Army.

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In the United States, Christians are being systematically de-platformed off all social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, all of which are now dominated by Satanists who despise Christianity. At the same time, every single Democrat running for president in 2020 has a record of attacking Christianity and either directly or indirectly supporting the silencing of Christians and Christian principles.

Christianity is under attack like never before, all across our world. Yet the left-wing media pretends it isn’t happening. Instead, they claim it is gays, minorities or Muslims who are under attack, and that same media now essentially equates belief in God with “white supremacist” beliefs.

There is a global war on Christianity, and those who are waging it are quite literally the minions of Satan

It’s time to call out the satanists wherever they are found across society: Running universities, media organizations and deep state bureaucracies. Satanism is endemic in Hollywood and the music industry, and Netflix has even been overtaken by Satanism as is now abundantly clear with its hiring of Satanists as “consultants” for its popular “Sabrina” show that features a “teenage witch” who worships the devil to gain power in modern society.

As reports:

In [the Netflix show], the Sabrina character is called to sign her name in the Book of the Beast. There are demons. Evil spells. Orgies. The show is so satanic in its feel that the Satanic Temple itself is talking about taking legal action against the program for allegedly appropriating the copyrighted monument design of its goat deity Baphomet.

Family Research Council senior fellow Peter Sprigg agrees. “The dark, occult-ish elements in ‘Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’ provide reason enough for parents to keep their children, including teens, far away from this show,” Sprigg told Fox News. “The show has gone over the top in depicting an actual orgy on screen, and if they think having the teen participants keep their underwear on makes it all right, the writers and producers need to think again. This content is not appropriate for anyone, but especially not for the teen audience it targets.”

Beyond just Netflix, all the big tech giants are run by Satanists, too. Wikipedia, for example, relentlessly attacks Christianity (and natural medicine, by the way) while allowing pro-Satanism content to dominate its pages. It was founded by Jimmy Wales, a former “porn king” who uses the power of Wikipedia to bury his own past while allowing the platform to function as a smear engine for pastors, healers and journalists who promote GOOD instead of evil.

Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, is steeped in evil, demonstrating fascist tendencies in every decision he makes regarding the de-platforming of targeted channels. Those banned from Twitter include people who quote Mother Theresa or Bible scripture. Jack Dorsey personally oversees many of these bans, carrying out literal orders from Satan to silence those who share the word of God.

Jeff Bezos’ bans books and movies that tell people the truth about vaccines, America, God and more. But the same online retailer openly sells satanic books with chapters on “teenage Satanists” and “animal sacrifice.” As reported by Natural News:

Amazon is happily selling books that promote Satanism, including a book titled, “Satanism: A Beginner’s Guide to the Religious Worship of Satan and Demons Volume I: Philosophy,” published by “Devil’s Mark Publishing.” You can see the book at this link.

Google is also pro-Islam and anti-Christian, as is abundantly clear by Google’s celebration of Islamic holidays and its suppression of Christian websites, videos and content. The people who work at Google hate the very idea of God, with many of them (like Rey Kurzweil) believing that machines are God and hoping to one day merge with those machines by claiming to be able to upload their souls to computer chips (transhumanism).

According to all the dominant tech giants today, even the word “Christmas” is “hate speech.” All the tech giants use the Southern Poverty Law Center — an anti-Christian, left-wing hate group — as the arbiter of “hate.” And the SPLC hates God, Christianity and America.

Planned Parenthood, Satanism and the abortion industry

The entire abortion industry functions largely as a child sacrifice temple, allowing worshipers of Satanism to carry out demonic rituals under the cover of “women’s health.” Many Planned Parenthood workers are practicing Satanists, and they pray to Satan as part of their child murder rituals.

One Planned Parenthood director recently admitted to running “a Satanic pedophile ring.” As reports:

A former Planned Parenthood director has admitted that the organization is really a front for a Satanic pedophile ring in which abortions are seen as ‘demonic rituals.’  In an interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation, Ramona Trevino revealed that staff members have quotas for abortions so that they can use the aborted fetuses for sick Satanic rituals.

The desire to murder babies in the name of Satan is so prevalent among Leftists / Democrats that the Governor of North Carolina just vetoed a bill that would require health care for babies born alive after failed abortions. You can almost hear Gov. Roy Cooper screaming, “Let them DIE!” as he licks his lips to lap up the blood of children murdered in the name of Satan.

A short list of the institutions which are now run by Satanists who despise God and Christ

Satanism has invaded and infected nearly every institution in modern society:

  • The Democrat party and ALL Democrats running for president.
  • Hollywood, Netflix, Amazon Prime and all of the dominant streaming content producers.
  • The pop culture music industry.
  • Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and all the tech giants.
  • Modern medicine, which feeds on baby parts while pushing vaccines that contain aborted human fetal tissue (turning every vaccine into a cannibalism blood ritual).
  • The Vatican and the Pope, who is a direct servant of Satan.
  • The LGBTQ activist community, which pushes pedophilia and the destruction of the Church because the Church teaches that homosexuality is unclean. (But don’t you dare mention the epidemic of anal cancer that’s spreading across the LGBT community like wildfire.)
  • Every level of government, from local city councils to the federal deep state in Washington D.C.
  • The children’s books industry, including the Harry Potter series.
  • The global banking cartels, which are all owned and run by pedophiles and child blood harvesters.
  • The institution of “science,” which has become fanatical in its push to vaccine children with the blood of other children. (Vaccines contain WI-38 and MRC-5 cell lines, which are derived from aborted human babies, as is admitted by this CDC official document).
  • Universities and public schools.
  • The open borders advocates who need the borders to stay open so they can continue to traffic human children who are used as sex slaves and child sacrifice rituals by wealthy Democrat donors (and other sickos, like tech elitists and science “skeptics” who push medical child abuse).

What you can do to stay informed and defend the Word of God

Too many churches in America are teaching watered-down scripture that’s afraid to teach the real word of God. If you want to hear a Christian pastor who isn’t afraid to discuss Revelation, the End Times and the attacks on Christianity, connect with Discover Ministries out of Australia, run by pastor Steve Cioccolanti.

Cioccolanti preaches what nearly all U.S. pastors are afraid to say.

His Brighteon video channel is found at this link.

There are also many courageous Christian video channels on, the free speech alternative to YouTube.

Note to Cioccolanti’s staff: Please upload more videos to so that we can share them.

Make no mistake: Modern human civilization has been overtaken by demonic forces who are at war with God and humanity. At least half the population has now been overtaken by demonic influence (probably much more) and are actively working to destroy human life (babies, etc.), individual liberty, national sovereignty, all white people, all Christians, etc. Every person who promotes infanticide and post-birth abortion, for example, is an actual demon in human form. They are quite literally no longer human. They are demons pretending to be human.

Watch my all-important Counterthink episode to learn the full truth about “demons in human form.”

Be prepared, both physically and spiritually. According to some, we have already entered “End Times” scenarios, and we are watching the rise of the demonic Left and soon, the Antichrist. This Antichrist will pretend to be a global messiah who promises to heal the world and end war and conflict. In truth, he is the embodiment of Lucifer, and he will deceive billions into following him as he leads humanity toward destruction.

Even most Christians will be fooled and will surrender their souls to his influence.

Watch for more signs of the emerging Mark of the Beast, the global persecution of Christians and the rise of global government. These are all signs that the end game is approaching.

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